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Lydney Church of England Community School (VC)

Lydney Church of England Community School (VC)

A caring Christian community where every child achieves a love of life and of learning

Luke 10:25-37

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Contact Us

Class 5

Welcome to Class 5!

Explore our class page to find out more about all of the fantastic things we are learning about this year. Don't forget to check out our galleries for some snapshots of our super learning!



Summer term topic 

Our Forests, Our Future


Parent information



P.E. will be on a Monday and Wednesday this term.  Please ensure P.E. kits are in school and suitable footwear is supplied,  please check regularly that daps/trainers still fit.



Homework and spellings will be given out on a Friday and should be returned on Monday. There will be a spelling test each Monday.


If you have any concerns regarding your child please do not hesitate to get in touch and I will return your call as soon as possible outside of teaching hours.

Home Support:

-Support your child with learning their weekly spelling lists.  

-Listen to your child read and question them to check their understanding.

-Support them with their weekly homework.



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