How does Mathematics meet our curriculum drivers?
Belonging, Well-being, Spirituality, World Aware, Possibilities
Our Christian values of trust, friendship, respect, forgiveness, courage and truthfulness are golden threads interwoven throughout the teaching and learning of Mathematics here at Lydney C of E. Our Maths curriculum is based around 5 drivers that underpin positive learning attitudes and the development of the whole child.
Belonging – Our whole class approach to teaching means that children are not excluded from learning according to ability. Children are encouraged to work together in investigative activities, and when developing new concepts through use of practical equipment. Children are encouraged to discuss their maths learning, and this is a key part of our ethos for learning in maths.
Well-being – From the outset, we encourage a positive outlook to maths learning, with a great focus on developing a growth mindset. Children understand the importance of using mistakes as a learning tool, and are familiar with messages such as “the power of yet”, which ensures confidence to have a go.
Spirituality – As part of our Week of Inspirational maths, children have opportunities to explore maths in exciting contexts which encourage wonder and interest in the wider aspects of mathematics. Through links to topic work, children are encouraged to look at the world around them with a mathematical eye. E.g. Fibonacci’s work on number patterns linked to pattern in nature and space, mathematics through the work of Artists such as Miro, Kandinsky, Mondrian, Gaudi, patterns and rhythms in music etc.
World aware – Children are encouraged to make links to the real world when studying different areas of maths and teachers highlight real-world application and try to provide realistic contexts for the children’s maths work. As part of our extra-curricular maths days, children will be exposed to maths in different cultures, using the Kingscourt multicultural maths resources.
Possibilities – Maths opens up an infinite world of possibilities! Through reasoning activities and open-ended problem solving, children are encouraged to be pattern spotters, and to predict possibilities and suggest the ways forward. They are encouraged to look at and present mathematical concepts in a variety of representations.
The school values are promoted throughout maths lessons; Courage, when developing new skills and trying something new; Respect for mathematicians and their work, and for each other when mastering new learning; Forgiveness when class members make mistakes; Trust when supporting each other in investigations, Truthfulness when asking mathematical questions or when finding the work difficult and Friendship when taking turns and treating each other as we would like to be treated.