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Lydney Church of England Community School (VC)

Lydney Church of England Community School (VC)

A caring Christian community where every child achieves a love of life and of learning

Luke 10:25-37

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Class R


We are now in our Spring Term and it is so lovely to see the children applying what they have learned in the Autumn term with such confidence and enthusiasm.  We can see they are so proud of themselves.


Our P.E. sessions will be on a Thursday.  Please can your child come to school dressed in their P.E. kit on this day (black or navy shorts, leggings or joggers with a white T-Shirt. They can also wear a black or navy sweatshirt or hoody or their school uniform sweatshirt/cardigan) and daps.  If your child wears earrings, please can these be removed or covered with tape on a Thursday. Long hair also needs to be tied up. 


Forest Schools will be on a Wednesday afternoon, children will need waterproofs and wellies.


Little Wandle reading books will come home on a Wednesday and must be returned on a Friday.  Reading for pleasure books will be changed twice a week, on a Monday and a Thursday.  We ask that you hear your child read at least 4 times a week.  We find that regular reading really helps to consolidate the phonics they are learning in class and further develop that pleasure of reading.


As always please do not hesitate to come and talk to any of the Reception staff if you have any questions or queries.

Spring Term

Through this topic the children will develop a further love of stories and reading.  They will be encouraged to learn, retell and act out familiar and traditional tales including The Gingerbread Man, Rapunzel and Sleepig Beauty.

Autumn Term

Our topic this term is 'All About Me'.  Here the children will develop confidence when talking and learning about themselves. Every Friday we will send home the 'This is Me' box, which is a great opportunity for your child to share things that are important to them and what makes them special.  So look out for that. We will also be thinking about people who help us.  If any parents have a job as a key worker please let a member of staff know and we would love to invite you into the classroom to talk about your role.