How is Science taught at Lydney C of E?
Science at Foundation Stage is covered in the 'Understanding the World' area of the EYFS Curriculum. It is introduced indirectly through activities that encourage every child to explore, problem solve, observe, predict, think, make decisions and talk about the world around them.
Children are naturally curious and keen to explore the world around them with awe and wonder. We make the most of their desire to learn in a hands-on way by making sure our provision is accessible and engaging. Valuing child-led learning in all areas and encouraging children to plan and take ownership of what they want to discover next, sets them up for success.
Children have a weekly Science lesson. The curriculum is delivered using the Kapow Science scheme as the main vehicle for planning and progression.
Other websites such as Explorify and Twig Science Reporter, are used to maintain Scientific knowledge and help the children to review learning.
Children have a weekly Science lesson. The curriculum is delivered using the Kapow Science scheme as the main vehicle for planning and progression.
Other websites such as Explorify and Twig Science Reporter, are used to maintain Scientific knowledge and help the children to review learning.
Children also have the chance to use the Scientific facilities, and expert knowledge, at The Dean Academy School.
Inclusion, Quality First Teaching and Intervention:
Kapow Science is intended to promote inclusion within classrooms because it emphasises full-class instruction and varied challenges. Some children will need a higher level of adult support to access the teaching material and to demonstrate their learning and this is indicated on work through the use of marking codes. We can use pre-teaching of Scientific vocabulary to support pupils with their Scientific understanding.
At Lydney C of E, we recognise that all Science teachers are SEND Science teachers and we plan for and deliver inclusive Science lessons, using scaffolds, questioning and support where appropriate to enable all students to access the learning and to achieve.