How does R.E meet our curriculum intent?
Belonging, Well-being, Spirituality, World Aware, Possibilities
Underpinning our R.E curriculum are our Christian values: trust, friendship, respect, forgiveness, courage and truthfulness and curriculum drivers. Our school values are promoted during our RE sessions and wherever possible the current value for the term will be made explicit and drawn on to help enhance the children understanding and learning.
World Aware: In RE teachers have the opportunity to plan and deliver lessons which are informative, engaging and challenging which allow children to gain a developing understanding of the range of religious and non-religious world views studied. The syllabus helps children to develop their own understanding of the world and it recognises and accounts for ways in which people put their beliefs into action in diverse ways, in their everyday lives, within their communities and in the wider world.
Spirituality: The Gloucestershire Agreed Syllabus for RE offers a coherent account of the value of spirituality in the lives of religious and non-religious people, including themselves. In RE children will explore a range of definitions of spiritual and spirituality, including their own ideas. They investigate what some people mean by ‘living a spiritual life’ or being a spiritual person.
Belonging: Children will reflect on their own ideas about the importance of love, commitment, community, belonging and belief today.
Possibilities: In RE children will have the possibility to acquire and develop their knowledge and understanding of Christianity and the other principal religions represented in Britain and the wider world. Children will be encouraged to reflect upon other people’s views, beliefs and opinions in a non-judgemental way. They will be encouraged to talk about their own beliefs and values and look at how these fit into their future aspirations.
Well-being: They will be encouraged to consider questions about identity, belonging and diversity, and learn what it means to live a life free from constraints. They will study examples of pioneers of human freedom, including those from within different religions, so that they can examine tensions between the value of a stable society and the value of change for human development.
The lessons we teach have an intention of providing a high-quality, coherent and progressive experience of the subject, with scope for cross-curricular learning.