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Lydney Church of England Community School (VC)

Lydney Church of England Community School (VC)

A caring Christian community where every child achieves a love of life and of learning

Luke 10:25-37

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Our curriculum intends to provide an education where all children can achieve their best, whilst gaining a love of learning, all within a caring Christian community.  Our school curriculum is underpinned by both our Christian and British values. The school upholds the British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those from different beliefs and faiths through all that it does and teaches children to respect each other.


We want to ensure that all children are able to achieve the best possible educational outcomes, as well as being prepared effectively for life outside of school. As a school, we follow the EYFS Profile document and KS1 & KS2 National Curriculum 2014 to provide the skeleton for the knowledge, skills and milestones that are delivered within our classes.


Our curriculum is underpinned by 5 key drivers that we believe provide our children with the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to succeed. The drivers were carefully selected to meet the needs of the children and the rural community we serve.  We recognise that the Forest of Dean is very different to other parts of the UK. We try to include experiences into our curriculum to ensure that children don't miss out on this as a result of living in a rural area.  Staff produce topic Curriculum Driver Sheets for each topic taught. As well as the drivers, staff think carefully about how the locality can be used to enhance learning.     


World Aware 

Our curriculum intends to be based on a range of experiential opportunities to help them understand the world they live in.

We recognise that many of our children do not have exposure to experiences that children in other areas would take for granted; as such our curriculum is planned to provide these experiences. We ensure children’s learning, where possible, is based on hands-on experiences; meeting visitors that can inspire children’s learning and visiting places of interest that ensure children have first-hand experience of the knowledge they are being taught.  We make links to local, national and international places and events making links to equality of opportunity for all. 



Our curriculum intends to educate children about their place in the world.

We want our children to develop an understanding of their place in society; within school, their local community, our country and the wider world. Through this, they will learn about inclusivity, diversity and equality of opportunity. 



Our curriculum intends to raise self-esteem and self-confidence.

Throughout all aspects of the curriculum, the school promotes a Growth Mindset attitude and celebrates the successes of children and the progress that is made. Children learn how to be fit and healthy individuals who can succeed in the world they grow up in.   



Our curriculum provides children with opportunities to explore the big questions in the world. We want our children to grow spiritually, morally, socially and emotionally during the time they spend at our school; to explore the awe and wonder of life and the universe. 



Our curriculum intends to raise children’s aspirations and set high expectations for ALL pupils.

Our curriculum recognises that a large proportion of our children are from backgrounds where the long-term aspirations may be hindered by previous educational experience or understanding. As such, our curriculum sets high expectations for all pupils and explicitly raises awareness and expectations for future aspirations.   



Our curriculum is taught through topics. The rationale for this is that 'Topic' teaching allows children to make links between curriculum areas and develop their understanding whilst adding new knowledge to their current understanding. This method also builds enthusiasm in an area of learning and presents numerous opportunities for cross-curricular links. We also recognise that skills/knowledge need to be carefully mapped out to ensure progression. Children are made aware of the subject being taught and can recognise the skills needed to be a historian, scientist etc.


Expectations at Lydney C of E Primary School

  •        Staff have high expectations of themselves and all children.
  •        Staff impart knowledge with enthusiasm helping to ensure a high level of engagement within the lessons.
  •        Expectations are that children will make and sustain progress relevant to their starting points across units of work.
  •        All staff support children in developing independent learning skills.
  •        Staff systematically check understanding, intervening in a timely manner when needed.
  •        Children have access to a bespoke curriculum which will include additional support and extended challenge.
  •        Staff regularly provide high quality marking and constructive feedback to children.

Effective Teaching

At Lydney C of E Primary School we have high expectations of progress and apply this equally to children working above, at, or below age-related expectations, including those who have been identified as having special educational needs. There is an expectation of participation, fulfilment and success for all our pupils.  Our pedagogy is underpinned by Rosenshine's Principles of Instruction which supports an understanding of how children acquire and use information, how they can use their short-term and long-term memory and how we can provide scaffolds and models to support effective learning.


Teaching and learning is characterised by an engaging curriculum, quality first teaching and rapid intervention (in lessons and intervention programmes). Rigorous assessment is used to monitor and maintain pupil progress. There are clear plans to support those who are struggling to keep pace with the curriculum.


Teachers expect everyone to succeed by offering higher levels of support or extra challenge for those who need it, so that all pupils can access the learning at the expected year group standard. Pupil Premium Funding ensures that the barriers to learning for our disadvantaged pupils are addressed thereby enabling them to reach their academic potential.


What will this look like?


1. Quality first teaching

  •   Highly focused lesson design with sharp objectives taken from the Subject Leaders’ Schemes of Work/Progression documents;
  •   High levels of engagement and interaction for all children within their learning;
  •   Excellent use of teacher explanations, questioning, modelling;
  •   Emphasis on learning through dialogue;
  •   An expectation that children will develop resilience and accept responsibility for their own learning and work independently;
  •   Regular use of encouragement and praise, using our school values, to motivate and enthuse children.


 2. Focused assessment

  •   Rigorous assessment and tracking of children’s performance takes place to inform classroom practice allowing children to make good progress and close attainment gaps;
  •   Strengths and weaknesses identified to ensure timely interventions;
  •   Teaching and intervention programmes are adjusted in the light of the progress children make;
  •   Parents/carers are regularly informed on their child’s progress and any concerns shared;


3. Intervention

  •   Individuals and groups who are not making sufficient progress are identified;
  •   Provision for intervention is mapped according to need;
  •   Detailed plans are put into place;
  •   Interventions are evaluated and relevant adjustments are made;
  •   More able learners are enabled to perform at a greater depth for their year group where appropriate;


4. Learning environment

  •   Organisation of the classroom/learning environment adapted to the children’s learning needs;
  •   The use of learning resources and IT developed to allow children to work independently and successfully;
  •   Make effective use of other spaces – ‘quad’, library, IT suite, hall space;
  •   Displays to be a mixture of celebration of children’s work, supportive resources and information.



The impact of our bespoke curriculum will be measured in a variety of ways, both academically and in terms of a child’s personal development.

Personal development

1)    How effectively it helps our pupils develop into well rounded, caring individuals who embody the Lydney Christian Values.

2)    How effectively pupils develop knowledge, skills and attitudes to enable them to achieve a love of life and learning and play an active role in society?

Academic attainment and achievement

1)    Assessment procedures will allow us to measure outcomes against all schools nationally. This includes:

  • In Years 1 - 6 using NFER tests
  • Continually using teacher assessment of 'Little Wandle' building towards the Phonics Screening Test in Year 1
  • % of children in Years 3, 4 and 5 who are working towards, at the expected standards or greater depth against national
  • End of Key Stage assessments, % of children working towards, at the expected standards or greater depth in reading, writing and maths
  • Stringent teacher assessment of children unable to access the tests


2)    Assessment procedures will allow us to measure the progress of all pupils from EYFS to Key Stage 1 and from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2.