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Lydney Church of England Community School (VC)

Lydney Church of England Community School (VC)

A caring Christian community where every child achieves a love of life and of learning

Luke 10:25-37

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How is Music taught at Lydney Church of England School?

How is Music taught at Lydney C of E School?


Our Music scheme at Lydney C of E School follows the spiral curriculum model where previous skills and knowledge are returned to and built upon. Children progress in terms of tackling more complex tasks and doing more simple tasks better, as well as developing understanding and knowledge of the history of music, staff, and other musical notations, as well as the interrelated dimensions of music and more. Units of work in Music are usually taught on a weekly basis, although individual teachers may choose to combine or block some music lessons to suit the needs of their class and their year group’s curriculum as a whole.


The Kapow music scheme is closely mapped to the National Curriculum (see Kapow site for most up-to-date mapping document) and details how the music units within KS1 and KS2 cover each of the national curriculum attainment targets as well as each of these strands within it. The Kapow ‘Progression of skills and knowledge’ shows the skills that are taught within each year group and how these skills develop year on year to ensure attainment targets are securely met by the end of each key stage.



Music is taught weekly in our reception class and these lessons follow the EYFS Kapow Scheme of work, which places a high focus on musical exploration and self-expression. Both in music lessons and throughout the EYFS curriculum, music is celebrated and children are encouraged to sing well-known rhymes and songs, perform to friends and familiar adults and also to explore rhythm and move in time with music.


Key Stage 1

During Music lessons in  KS1,  students will actively participate in musical activities drawn from a range of styles and traditions, developing their musical skills and their understanding of how music works. Lessons incorporate a range of teaching strategies from independent tasks, paired and group work as well as improvisation and teacher-led performances. Lessons are often ‘hands-on’ and incorporate movement and dance elements, as well as making cross curricular links with other areas of learning. Other opportunities for music, such as singing number songs, music whilst writing or playground singing games are also a key part of children’s musical experiences at this age.


Key Stage 2

At Key Stage 2, students continue to actively participate in increasingly complex musical activities drawn from a range of styles and traditions, developing their musical skills and their understanding of how music works. Lessons incorporate a range of teaching strategies from independent tasks, paired and group work as well as improvisation and teacher-led performances. In Year 4, children also participate in specialist whole class instrument tuition through Gloucestershire music education.



Inclusion, Quality First Teaching, Support and Assessment:

A ‘can do’ attitude is adopted by both staff and students in music sessions and the belief is that everyone can achieve and succeed in music, especially singing. Children are encouraged to persevere and learn from mistakes.


Our music curriculum at Lydney C of E School is designed to be a positive and inclusive experience for every student within our community. All children are given opportunities to explore and create in music sessions and our teachers provide the time and space for students to develop a love for learning music. Through the Kapow music scheme, differentiated guidance is available for every lesson to ensure that lessons can be accessed by all pupils and opportunities to stretch pupils’ learning are available when required. Staff also have access to CPD and supporting videos to enable them to confidently support a range of learners when teaching music.


Formative assessment is a key part of music lessons at Lydney C of E School and teachers observe, listen to and question their students to check understanding and to move learning forward. Teachers record end of unit judgements for Music on our school tracking system Insight. 


Extra-Curricular Provision

Lydney C of E School is a Music Mark School and we work closely with our local music hub – ‘Make Music Gloucestershire’ – to ensure children receive quality music provision and education. When children reach Key Stage 2, they have opportunities to access peripatetic music tuition in a range of instruments, such as brass, guitar and drumming, which is organised through our local hub. Our staff encourage and champion children’s musical interests and there are regular opportunities for children to play and perform at school.


In addition to music lessons, there are frequent opportunities for our children to engage with and to celebrate music, both inside and outside of school. Music plays an integral part of our daily worship at Lydney C of E and it is often used as a stimulus to spark creativity and ideas in other subject areas.


Throughout the year, the school organises opportunities for children to experience live music. In the past, this has included visits to the school from the Carducci Quartet, Lydney Brass Band and workshops organised through Cheltenham Music Festival. Children in Key Stage 2 have also attended the Cheltenham Jazz festival and been a part of the Young Voices Concert in Birmingham several times too. Year groups use and perform music when delivering class assemblies and end of term productions; and parents, families and other members of the community join together for these musical celebrations. The school offers a variety of after-school music-based clubs at different times across the academic year (e.g. samba band, Glee club, recorder club) and are often invited to perform outside of school at local events such as fayres, markets and Christmas Light Switch-ons.